peer production


 しかし、今やそれが協生産(peer production、協産ではまずいか?)に変わってきた。ネットワークを通じて行われるという意味では中間組織的だが、その構成要素が個人になった。もちろん企業間ネットワークでも、その構成要素は個人もあり得るのだが、実態的には企業が中心であった。個人商店、あるいは個人事業というのが系列の末端には存在していたが。


The Economics of Peer Production よりの要約。


  1. 企業や市場よりも、より仕事に適切な人を見いだして配置できること。
  2. 様々な形で存在する知識のプールを検索する人がどんどん増えるという収穫逓増が働くという利点。知識のプールは協生産のための共有情報であるし、共同記憶の役割を果たす−−もっとも効率的な方法を蓄積することによって協生産を効率的にする−−。


 しかし、協生産はやはり生産を核にしている点で、現在取り組んでいる「生活者」的視点の経済活動の考えとは少々異なる。今のところ、How to save the worldが"Peer Production"で取り上げている例がかなり近いと思っているので長くなりますが、掲げます。

But why? Suppose I want a chair that has the attributes of an Aeron without the $1800 price tag, or one with some additional attribute (e.g. a laptop holder) the brand name doesn't offer? I could go online to a Peer Production site and create an instant market, contributing the specifications, a bunch of technical links available online about just what makes this chair so special, and, perhaps a maximum price I would be willing to pay. People with some of the expertise needed to produce it could indicate their capabilities and self-organize into a consortium that would keep talking and refining until they could meet this price -- and, if not, they might counter-offer something close. Other potential buyers could chime in, offering more or less than my suggested price. Based on the number of 'orders' at each price, the Peer Production group could then accept orders and start manufacturing. The possibilities are endless -- somebody might want customization or some other attribute, to which the same or some other Peer Production group might respond. Another Peer Production group might self-form and come in with a lower price, perhaps creating a new or larger market. People might 'subscribe' to this market to watch bids and offers progress, or put in 'silent' bids if the offer fell to a certain point. Perhaps Herman Miller (maker of the Aeron) might enter the bidding itself, meeting my bid and offering the intangible value of their brand as well. Perhaps eBay would chime in with used Aeron chairs that meet my specifications at an even lower price (in fact eBay would be a natural host for these virtual instant markets), bringing their reputation systems into play.
